- 제목
- 고베대학(일본) 학제간 석사과정 프로그램 안내 (Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program)
- 작성일
- 2024.03.25
- 작성자
- 경제학과
- 게시글 내용
연세대학교 경제학과의 교류 대학 중 하나인 일본의 Kobe University에 새로운 국제 대학원 프로그램, Kobe University Interdiscipinary Master Pgoram (KIMAP)이 문을 열었습니다.
이 프로그램은 경제학, 경영학, 법학 대학원이 함께 만든 융합프로그램이며, 모든 과목을 영어로 강의하는 국제 프로그램입니다.
관심있는 학생들은 아래 공지문과, 해당 웹사이트를 참고하기 바랍니다.
더 궁금한 점이 있는 학생은 경제학과장(조인숙 교수)에게 연락하기 바랍니다.
We are pleased to introduce KIMAP (Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program), a pioneering English-language master's program jointly launched by the Graduate School of Economics, the Graduate School of Business Administration, and the Graduate School of Law.
KIMAP is a very unique master’s program that emphasizes interdisciplinary education in business, economics, and law. KIMAP welcomes students not only from Japan but from all over the world, placing international camaraderie as the program’s norm. Further, we invite prominent researchers in the fields of business, economics, and law to Kobe University every year and ask them to give intensive lectures so that KIMAP students will have a precious opportunity to access cutting-edge knowledge. Thanks to these features, KIMAP is a truly unique program, unparalleled in Japan and perhaps in Asia as well.
KIMAP has the following four specific features that set it apart from other programs.
All the classes of our program are taught entirely in English to prepare our students for the international job market.
Both Japanese and foreign students are welcome in our program in order to foster a more international environment and promote camaraderie between different cultures.
Our program is jointly offered by three Graduate Schools (Law, Economics and Business Administration) and our students will obtain a Master's Degree from their Graduate School plus a certificate attesting that they completed the program in the field of their choice.
Every year we will invite prominent researchers from all over the world in order to ensure that our students acquire cutting-edge knowledge from different perspectives.
In addition to that, KIMAP offered in the Graduate School of Economics (KIMAP in Economics) has one additional feature. In economics, the quantitative aspects of social science are emphasized. Thus, students entering KIMAP in Economics are required to take microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics as core courses. Through this training, students are equipped with mathematical and statistical skills that are becoming an indispensable part of modern social science. KIMAP in Economics welcomes students who seek both interdisciplinary and quantitative education at the master’s level.
We encourage you to share the exceptional features of KIMAP with students interested in pursuing higher education in Japan. For further details and application procedures, please visit the Kobe University KIMAP website (https://www.group.kobe-u.ac.jp/kimap/)